9 months on a raw food diet: my experience and observations

In this video, the author shares their personal experience and observations after 9 months on a raw food diet, including details about the adaptation process, changes in weight and fitness, impact on health, and experiments with cold exposure. The detailed account covers various aspects of transitioning to a raw food lifestyle.

Transitioning to a raw food diet: a personal journey and discoveries

Ключевые аспекты:

What were the initial challenges during the transition to a raw food diet?

In the first 1-2 months, the author experienced frequent weakness, dizziness, and reduced physical performance as the body was adapting to the new diet. There was also a significant drop in weight during this initial adjustment period.

How did the authors weight and fitness levels change over time?

After the initial drop, the authors weight stabilized around 72-73 kg. Over the next 4-5 months, the feelings of weakness and dizziness gradually subsided, and the author was able to resume regular exercise like pull-ups, push-ups, and running.

Did the author experience any changes in susceptibility to illness?

The author had a couple of minor illness episodes in the first few months, but after that, they were able to resist common colds and flus that they used to experience regularly on their previous diet. The author attributes this to the cleansing of the mucous membranes and the development of a healthier gut microbiome.

How did the authors sense of hunger and satiety change?

Initially, the author experienced a constant feeling of hunger, where the stomach would empty quickly after eating. Over time, this sensation normalized, and the author no longer associates hunger with a full stomach, but rather with an internal bodily signal.

What were the authors observations regarding cold tolerance and susceptibility to allergies?

The author noticed an increased sensitivity to cold temperatures, especially when going outside in winter attire. However, the author continued to practice cold exposure techniques like contrast showers and cold plunges, hoping to help the body adapt. Regarding allergies, the author still experienced occasional flare-ups of skin conditions like eczema and atopic dermatitis, but the patterns of symptoms were changing, suggesting an ongoing detoxification process.

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